Thursday, April 19, 2012

The One With The Bat...

So on Tuesday, I'm driving home from the school I'm doing my practicum at and I get a phone call from the husband. This call was no ordinary phone call. This was one of those "it would only happen to me moments". These moments are random yet more frequent than I personally desire..... Back to that phone call, it went a little like this:
 P: we have a bat
 M: Uh what???
 P:  There's a bat trapped under a plate in the kitchen sink
 M: WHY are there dishes in the sink?
 P: You're welcome, if I had done my dishes, that thing wouldn't be trapped, it'd be flapping around
I'm still annoyed that there were dishes in the sink after we had just had that argument the night before, but that's supposed to be besides the point. When I got home the bat's head and part of his body were peeking out from underneath a plate. GROSS!!!! it looks like a rat! Petey's friend Nick said he would come over and get this nasty thing for us but I couldn't wait any longer. Animal Control only does domestic situations, the pest control wouldn't do it and this specialty pest control wanted $125... I THINK NOT! My next call was to the fire department. I told the lady on the phone not to call anyone out to our house. The plan was if Nick didn't show up, then I would call back and then they could send their people. I don't know what part she missed but the fire truck pulled up just as Nick was removing the bat. Not only did I waste the firefighter's time but I looked like an IDIOT!...... Like I said these moments would only happen to me. I mean who else has a random bat just hanging out in their kitchen sink in the middle of the freakin day?!?