Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sunday June 10th 2012
Our little Rugrat  has been growing for 10 weeks now
That's 70 days pregnant ...About 210 days until we meet the little Walton

      It's starting to set in that I am not just pregnant, but we are having a baby!! Sounds like it would be the same thing but it sure doesn't feel the same. Of course,I am still a little scared of being in the first trimester but as that is coming to an end, so are most of my fears. Pure excitement is about the only feeling I have left!
      I hardly ever get sick anymore and for the most part I feel great! From weeks 4-8 I was getting sick alot but mostly around 1 or 2's that for MORNING sickness ha.... As crazy as it sounds, I might miss getting sick a little. I realized more and more each time just how much Petey loves me and is there for me. Each time, he got up, held my hair, rubbed my back and prayed for me. I am so blessed to have such a supportive husband...what a great daddy he will be!
      My belly started at just under 25 inches ( i skipped the gym alot this semester) and it is now 30 INCHES!!!! I'm still smaller around than the husband but that isn't going to last much longer. I've gained 2.5lbs but i feel like it's 25lbs. So far no weird cravings but there are definitely times when I have to have something and i mean right then ha. I can't get enough watermelon and popsicles/ice cream. We go back to the doctor Tuesday June 19th to hear the heartbeat for the first time!!!
That's it for this update :)

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