Thursday, August 9, 2012

The One Where We Reach 18 Weeks

As of Aug. 5th we are officially 18 weeks pregnant. Weird to think that's almost half way!! I'm just getting to the point where I like being pregnant and now it's almost over. Give me a few weeks and I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune.

Nausea & morning sickness: None, feeling great!
Belly Bump: Belly is bigger than Petey's now haha
Belly Button: So far still an inny but I can already see some change guess is outie by the end
Weird Cravings: 1) Texas Pete mixed with honey and mustard mmmm 2) green olives
Mood: Still moody wiith random tears but overall happy
Maternity Clothes:I am down to 3 pairs of jeans....apparently my butt is pregnant too but jeans fit everywhere but in the booty
Movement: not regularly but def. feeling him, mostly after eating sweets

"18 weeks: Mommy and daddy have been working on my room. Mommy's belly is bigger than daddy's! New craving is hot sauce"

The One With The Gender Reveal Party

July 13, 2012

We had our immediate family over the day after the ultrasound for a small gender reveal party. We wanted to have a big party but it would be alot easier to call just family and say "ooh nevermind, the baby was modest and there will be no partying tonight" than to call a bunch of people who cleared their night for something that wasn't happening. It was so hard to keep the gender a secret until then, I had to shut my phone off to avoid spilling the beans early. My friends even started sending texts that said, "Are you ok?" because I wasn't texting anyone back.

Here are a few pics of our little party...

I asked everyone to wear the color that they believed the gender to be......everyone showed up in blue!!!
My father in law changed his guess to girl when he saw that everyone guessed boy   

My quick attempt at a gender reveal cake


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The One With The Ultrasound

July 12, 2012

At 14weeks 5days we went to Baby Dimensions in Newnan to find out the gender of our little one. It was the most amazing experience!!!! We sat in a room in a recliner as we watched our baby move around on a big screen tv. They were not busy that day so our 15 min appointment lasted almost 40 min! The tech let us guess what we thought we are having and then showed us a shot of the anatomy..... definitely a BOY!!!! The wait is finally over!! Now we can shop, pick names, decorate a nursery ...oh let the fun begin! I must admit, in the very beginning I honestly wanted a girl. Then all my friends started having boys and I thought how fun it would be to have play dates, watch our boys play on the same teams and grow up together doing man stuff and I became totally impartial. The minute I saw that baby on the screen though, I can not imagine being ay happier!!! I already love him sooo much! Here are some pictures of our little man

                                                         He's kicked back and relaxing
No photographs please!

Hi Mom and Dad

sweet baby

The One Where We Finally Reach 14 Weeks

As of July 8th 2012 we are 14 weeks pregnant!!!

The beginning of the second trimester brought a whole new sense of peace for me. I am so relieved to be past the rough patch of worrying and puking!!!

Nausea & morning sickness: glad to say gone for now, lets hope it stays that way
Belly Bump: a little bigger. I've gone from 25 in to 32 inches!
Belly Button: Still an inny....praying it stays there
Weird Cravings: HOT SAUCE!!! (which I have hated my entire life ad have no tolerance for even mild until now)
Mood: I wish I could say none but I must be honest, I am quite moody
Maternity Clothes:I can still wear my jeans unbuttoned but wearing more and more maternity as I find them
Movement: a little now and then. Probably more than I actually know because it takes alot of mental debate before I let myself believe it's really him