Thursday, August 9, 2012

The One Where We Reach 18 Weeks

As of Aug. 5th we are officially 18 weeks pregnant. Weird to think that's almost half way!! I'm just getting to the point where I like being pregnant and now it's almost over. Give me a few weeks and I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune.

Nausea & morning sickness: None, feeling great!
Belly Bump: Belly is bigger than Petey's now haha
Belly Button: So far still an inny but I can already see some change guess is outie by the end
Weird Cravings: 1) Texas Pete mixed with honey and mustard mmmm 2) green olives
Mood: Still moody wiith random tears but overall happy
Maternity Clothes:I am down to 3 pairs of jeans....apparently my butt is pregnant too but jeans fit everywhere but in the booty
Movement: not regularly but def. feeling him, mostly after eating sweets

"18 weeks: Mommy and daddy have been working on my room. Mommy's belly is bigger than daddy's! New craving is hot sauce"

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