Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The One Where We Finally Reach 14 Weeks

As of July 8th 2012 we are 14 weeks pregnant!!!

The beginning of the second trimester brought a whole new sense of peace for me. I am so relieved to be past the rough patch of worrying and puking!!!

Nausea & morning sickness: glad to say gone for now, lets hope it stays that way
Belly Bump: a little bigger. I've gone from 25 in to 32 inches!
Belly Button: Still an inny....praying it stays there
Weird Cravings: HOT SAUCE!!! (which I have hated my entire life ad have no tolerance for even mild until now)
Mood: I wish I could say none but I must be honest, I am quite moody
Maternity Clothes:I can still wear my jeans unbuttoned but wearing more and more maternity as I find them
Movement: a little now and then. Probably more than I actually know because it takes alot of mental debate before I let myself believe it's really him

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