Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The One Where We Are HALFWAY!!!

           As of August 19, 2012, we are HALFWAY there!!!!! It's halftime woot woot! We had the ever so exciting 20 week appointment on August 17th. This was supposed to be the gender reveal appointment but we obviously did not wait that long. This appointment is a total anatomy scan with an ultrasound and measurements. Petey went me me to the appointment. We sat anxiously in the waiting room until our name was called. The tech did about a 15 min ultrasound inspecting every part of our little boy. It was so fun to see how much he had changed since we went to the 3d ultrasound. The tech spent alot of time looking at his heart, saying nothing the entire time. We were so nervous! I was sweating and my eyes were filling with tears until she finally told us that everything looks great and we have a happy, healthy baby. It was such a relief to hear those words. We are so excited to meet our little love!!!

This is what our little guy looks like now

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