Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The One With 24 Down 16 To Go....

September 16, 2012

          We have officially made it through 24 weeks of pregnancy....so far so good! We went to the dr. on September 14th. All they did was check the heartbeat with the doppler and ask me if I had any questions. It's always amazing to hear his little heartbeat but these sure are boring appointments compared to the ones with ultrasounds. At home we have been able to watch the baby move now. It's so funny to watch my belly randomly bounce when he kicks me. Petey and I have alot of fun sitting on the couch watching and feeling the little guy move :)

Nausea & morning sickness: Nope, but the hot flashes have taken their place
Belly Bump: 36 inches now WOAH!!!!! 
Belly Button: the top part is starting to poke out.....you cant see it through a shirt yet but I can feel it with my hand on my bare belly...ew
Weird Cravings: Hot wings, McDonalds....anything and everything from there ha gross I know
Mood: Overall, very happy but I'm not going to say there aren't moodswings and random tears
Maternity Clothes: Still not absolutely necessary but definitely more comfortable 
Movement:Lots and Lots and you can see it    :)

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