Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The One Where The Baby Isn't Shy

      August 30, 2012

              I swear we have the shyest baby ever! He wiggles and squiggles ALL the time! He kicks me, moves around, stretches, and whatever else a future karate kid does. I get so excited with every little movement and always make a big deal of it to petey and my friends. Unfortunately, every time I tell someone he is kicking he stops immediately! I have been wanting Petey to feel the baby move for weeks now. On August 30th it finally happened!!!! It was about 12:15am  and Petey had just gotten in from a late flight. We were both laying in bed and the baby was going crazy. Of course, he stopped when I got Petey's attention but I decided to tell Petey to just put his hands on my belly and wait. I remember telling him it probably wouldn't happen but it is worth a try. A few minutes later, it FINALLY happened!!! The baby kicked! Petey said,"Wow, did you feel that?" I'm thinking, are you serious?!?!? Of course I felt it! It was really exciting to finally share this feeling with Petey. I can't wait for it to be more frequent.....our little guy just needs to not be so shy!

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