Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The One With 24 Down 16 To Go....

September 16, 2012

          We have officially made it through 24 weeks of pregnancy....so far so good! We went to the dr. on September 14th. All they did was check the heartbeat with the doppler and ask me if I had any questions. It's always amazing to hear his little heartbeat but these sure are boring appointments compared to the ones with ultrasounds. At home we have been able to watch the baby move now. It's so funny to watch my belly randomly bounce when he kicks me. Petey and I have alot of fun sitting on the couch watching and feeling the little guy move :)

Nausea & morning sickness: Nope, but the hot flashes have taken their place
Belly Bump: 36 inches now WOAH!!!!! 
Belly Button: the top part is starting to poke out.....you cant see it through a shirt yet but I can feel it with my hand on my bare belly...ew
Weird Cravings: Hot wings, McDonalds....anything and everything from there ha gross I know
Mood: Overall, very happy but I'm not going to say there aren't moodswings and random tears
Maternity Clothes: Still not absolutely necessary but definitely more comfortable 
Movement:Lots and Lots and you can see it    :)

The One Where We Reach 22 Weeks

September 2, 2012

          Today we are 22 weeks pregnant. That's more than halfway! It's hard to believe how much is changing so fast. The baby moves so much now. Petey gets to feel him alot. It's the best feeling in the whole world; I get so excited with every single little movement. We still haven't agreed on a name, I swear that's the hardest part of the whole process. We've bought all the stuff for the room but don't have any of it put together or hung up. I have definitely gotten bigger the last few weeks...here's a peak at us at 22 weeks......

Nausea & morning sickness: Ended at 13 ish weeks, none since
Belly Bump: Definitely growing everyday!!
Belly Button: Still an inny but I can tell a difference in it that' for sure
Weird Cravings: McDonald's Fish Sandwich.....i know, i know, how gross can you get?!?! 
Mood: All I can say is......my poor husband!
Maternity Clothes: My dress pants are all maternity, simply for comfort. I can fit in almost all my clothes but the shirts are looking shorter and tighter everyday
Movement: Quite a bit, Petey feel it now. Mostly quick, hard kicks. 

The One Where The Baby Isn't Shy

      August 30, 2012

              I swear we have the shyest baby ever! He wiggles and squiggles ALL the time! He kicks me, moves around, stretches, and whatever else a future karate kid does. I get so excited with every little movement and always make a big deal of it to petey and my friends. Unfortunately, every time I tell someone he is kicking he stops immediately! I have been wanting Petey to feel the baby move for weeks now. On August 30th it finally happened!!!! It was about 12:15am  and Petey had just gotten in from a late flight. We were both laying in bed and the baby was going crazy. Of course, he stopped when I got Petey's attention but I decided to tell Petey to just put his hands on my belly and wait. I remember telling him it probably wouldn't happen but it is worth a try. A few minutes later, it FINALLY happened!!! The baby kicked! Petey said,"Wow, did you feel that?" I'm thinking, are you serious?!?!? Of course I felt it! It was really exciting to finally share this feeling with Petey. I can't wait for it to be more frequent.....our little guy just needs to not be so shy!

The One Where We Are HALFWAY!!!

           As of August 19, 2012, we are HALFWAY there!!!!! It's halftime woot woot! We had the ever so exciting 20 week appointment on August 17th. This was supposed to be the gender reveal appointment but we obviously did not wait that long. This appointment is a total anatomy scan with an ultrasound and measurements. Petey went me me to the appointment. We sat anxiously in the waiting room until our name was called. The tech did about a 15 min ultrasound inspecting every part of our little boy. It was so fun to see how much he had changed since we went to the 3d ultrasound. The tech spent alot of time looking at his heart, saying nothing the entire time. We were so nervous! I was sweating and my eyes were filling with tears until she finally told us that everything looks great and we have a happy, healthy baby. It was such a relief to hear those words. We are so excited to meet our little love!!!

This is what our little guy looks like now