Friday, December 21, 2012

The One Where I Become Alumni

 December 14, 2012

I finally did it! I made it! I finally graduated college!!! It took me a while but I officially graduated Magna Cum Laude from Kennesaw State University. 

I had to be there at 8:30 in the morning, the ceremony started at 10. After the ceremony, Petey had planned a surprise lunch for me with my friends at the Cheesecake Factory... YUM!!!

Here are some pictures from this memorable day......

We were SO bored

The Girls Who Got Me Through

Some Of My Surprise Visitors
Petey's Baby Bump

Nolan Came to Graduation
My Gear
Proof that at 9 months pregnant with a broken foot, I still graduated in heels!!

The One With A Month To Go....

December 9, 2012 marked 36 weeks

The last 2 weeks have been really hard dealing with the passing of my Dad. I lost some weight and the dr. said I'm dehydrated but Nolan is healthy and still growing strong. I had my first experience with braxton hicks contractions during the few days we made all the funeral arrangements and such but haven't had any more. At the end of this week I will officially graduate college and become a Kennesaw State Alumni. Nolan gets to sit through his first miserably boring commencement ceremony.
I started having cravings again the end of last week and don't see them going anywhere for a while. It's nothing too weird but man, when I want something, I got to have it!!

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The One With The News Of Dad (34 weeks)

November 25 = 34 Weeks 

This week I found out that my Dad passed away. They said it was a heart attack and it was totally unexpected!! My boss showed up at my house Tuesday night and told me the news. In just 2 weeks, he would have seen me graduate and in 4 he would meet his very first grandbaby. It breaks my heart that Nolan will never know his grandpa. Dad was soooo excited about Nolan, it's all he talked about. He was constantly buying things for him and offering to do whatever he could. He and Petey put the crib together for Nolan and Dad did get to come to the 3D ultrasound where he says he met his grandson. I'm honestly still in shock and the reality of it has not set in. I look forward to telling Nolan all about his grandpa and how much he loved him before he was even born.

The One With the Busy Week (32)

                                                               November 11, 2012
32 Weeks

This week is a BIG week!!!! We went to the dr. on Tuesday and had a great report! On Wednesday, we had our second 3D ultrasound where friends and family came to see Nolan up close and personal. And on Saturday is the babyshower!!! I also went and picked up my cap and gown for graduation and had a Thanksgiving Feast with my adorable first graders that I'm student teaching. 

As for Mommy news: I mostly wear maternity jeans now and I officially have an outie and a 39 in belly

Some Pics Of Our Little Miracle
Foot up the nose 
My Lips


He was clearly bored... (YAWN)
He opened his eyes!!!!

It was so fun to see everyone's excitement and the looks on their faces as they practically met Nolan. I will never forget the tears in my Dad's eyes along with the amazement and disbelief. I'm so glad we did this. 

The One With 30 Weeks Down and Counting

                                                                 OcToBeR 28 = 30 wEeKs!!!

This week we are finally getting ready for the baby shower to spoil little Nolan. I mailed out the invites last week. I can't believe it's already time to be having a baby shower, that means I'm almost done being pregnant :(

                                              This is the invites I sent out.... SOOO cute :)

                                                           And Then The Belly Pics....

The One With The 3rd Trimester!

     FINALLY!!!!! It's here, finally here, we reached the home stretch!!! On October 14, we reached 28 weeks, marking the beginning of the 3rd and final trimester of our pregnancy. Words can not describe how excited I am. It feels like this pregnancy is flying by, I'm sure I won't be saying that in a few weeks but we'll see.
     I went to the dr last week. I got tested for juvenile diabetes, drank this orange liquid, waited an hour and then got blood drawn. I passed, so that's a relief!!! I also got a shot in my butt for being RH-, not my favorite moment! The dr. says that my iron is low so now I have to take a supplement but they say it's no big deal. They like your iron to be at an 11 and I'm a 10.7, no I don't know what that really means but that's what they told me ha.

Nausea & morning sickness: Nothing :) 
Belly Button: I'd say I officially have an outie, but barely
Weird Cravings: just cheese, cheese, and more cheese
Mood: I think I'm pleasant to be around haha
Maternity Clothes: every now and then when they are cheap
Movement: still moving up a storm and I love every second of it

The One With the 26 Week Belly

   As of September 30, 2012 we are officially 26 weeks pregnant and counting! Coming to the end of the second trimester, I honestly feel great. Everyone says the second trimester is the best, so far i believe the hype but I'm hoping the 3rd is good too. Some friends of ours just had a baby on the 18th, he was average weight and height but just seemed soooo small. I want to borrow him until we have ours! After holding that little one, I am that much more excited to meet our little man. All of the doctor appointments have been going great. We went to the braves game the 29th and he kicked Marie who was in town from Florida :)
     As you can see on the board it says, "Mommy and Daddy chose my name!" We have decided to name him Nolan. We do not have a middle name yet, but it took us 6 months to get a first name, luckily the last one is given haha. We both had favorite names picked out but could not agree. I liked Elijah and he liked Benjamin. We ooked through a names book and decided we would write down all the names we liked on the inside cover of the book. When we got done looking, we turned to the front only to see the name Nolan. And that was that. Our baby finally has a name!!! :)

Nausea & morning sickness: None, None, None woohoo! 
Belly Button: still trying to become an outie
Weird Cravings: McDonalds, still!
Mood: If you ask Petey, he would say a little moody
Maternity Clothes: I wear all my shirts but I do own a pair of maternity jeans I got a deal on at Ross
Movement: He is a kung-fu fighter!