Friday, December 21, 2012

The One With The 3rd Trimester!

     FINALLY!!!!! It's here, finally here, we reached the home stretch!!! On October 14, we reached 28 weeks, marking the beginning of the 3rd and final trimester of our pregnancy. Words can not describe how excited I am. It feels like this pregnancy is flying by, I'm sure I won't be saying that in a few weeks but we'll see.
     I went to the dr last week. I got tested for juvenile diabetes, drank this orange liquid, waited an hour and then got blood drawn. I passed, so that's a relief!!! I also got a shot in my butt for being RH-, not my favorite moment! The dr. says that my iron is low so now I have to take a supplement but they say it's no big deal. They like your iron to be at an 11 and I'm a 10.7, no I don't know what that really means but that's what they told me ha.

Nausea & morning sickness: Nothing :) 
Belly Button: I'd say I officially have an outie, but barely
Weird Cravings: just cheese, cheese, and more cheese
Mood: I think I'm pleasant to be around haha
Maternity Clothes: every now and then when they are cheap
Movement: still moving up a storm and I love every second of it

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