Friday, December 21, 2012

The One With The News Of Dad (34 weeks)

November 25 = 34 Weeks 

This week I found out that my Dad passed away. They said it was a heart attack and it was totally unexpected!! My boss showed up at my house Tuesday night and told me the news. In just 2 weeks, he would have seen me graduate and in 4 he would meet his very first grandbaby. It breaks my heart that Nolan will never know his grandpa. Dad was soooo excited about Nolan, it's all he talked about. He was constantly buying things for him and offering to do whatever he could. He and Petey put the crib together for Nolan and Dad did get to come to the 3D ultrasound where he says he met his grandson. I'm honestly still in shock and the reality of it has not set in. I look forward to telling Nolan all about his grandpa and how much he loved him before he was even born.

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