Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The One With Enormous Anticipation!

July 11, 2012

I am DYING to find out what the gender of our sweet baby is. Yes, I know back in the old days, you couldn't find out until you had been in labor and pushed the youngin' out (as if knowing was something you had to earn). But nowadays, we have the choice of finding out and personally I am losing my mind! At first I wanted a little girl so badly it was seriously wrong, jut plain wrong! That changed, thank goodness, about two weeks ago when we took an Intelligender Gender Predictor Kit. It's one of those overpriced pee in a cup tests that claim to be 80% accurate. Long story short, that test said we are having a boy. Petey was absolutely thrilled, for those of you that know him, you know that he rarely gets excited or shows any type of emotion. It was so cute to hear him talk about all the things he wants to do with his son and to see the excitement on his face!! Needless to say, that changed my whole perspective. We are so incredibly blessed to have this opportunity and I can not wait to maximize it by shopping like crazy for gender specific clothing and goodies!!! We go tomorrow evening to Baby Dimensions in Newnan for a 3D ultrasound in an attempt to find out the sex of baby Walton!!! At first EVERYONE told me it is going to be a boy now people are changing their guesses.....hopefully we will know tomorrow!!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The One with the Pregnant Mormon with Coffee Breath

As I mentioned in my blog before, Monday I really wanted a Caramel Apple Spice ( apple cider) from Starbucks. I would like to share with you, my journey....

-Leaving the Atl airport waited to the gate to get one..... the line was ancient long and we got called to board before I would have gotten the drink.
Ok fine, I'll get one in MN.
-Get to the Minnesota airport, no Starbucks in sight.
-Get to the mall, no Starbucks, then it was time to eat and I didn't want to get full so we stopped looking....bad idea.
-Eat Street, looked everywhere, couldn't find food let alone a freakin hot cider in a clean cup
-Minnesota airport....look up gate restaurants, says G16 has one. walk all the way there....nothing! but G20 has a Carribou Coffee....which has nothing hot and decaf
-Land in Atl aiport sooo excited, Petey goes to get the car while I get a Starbucks, only when I get there, they say we are closing in 5 min, we aren't making any more drinks...WHAT?!!?! I had 5 min

I go home sad and empty handed

The next morning, I have to be at work at 8 so I get up 35 min early to make sure I have time to go to Starbucks on my way to work, determine to get this stupid drink which has now officially become mission impossible.
I tell the guy at the counter, who couldn't care less how I have tried to get this drink. I then ask to read the label of the syrup they add to it to ensure there are no artificial sweeteners, caffeine, or anything else I can't have. I explain to him that I am mormon and pregnant and tell him my limitations. I get the largest size the have, pay for the drink and tell the guy he made my day.

I get in the car, drive to work letting my drink cool, get halfway there and take a sip. I taste COFFEE. I convince myself that I must be confused or perhaps the whip cream container touched coffee before my drink. I stir it an try again, nope it's definitely coffee. why do I taste coffee, what about this moment is wrong? As I angrily try to put the cap back I spill the drink all over myself as I pass a cop. lovely. I get to work have ashley try my drink, yep it's coffee. I call the guy and ask if there is any way there is coffee in my drink and he tells me he MAY have accidentally put espresso in my cider instead of the cinnamon syrup!!! I finally get the drink and this is what happens.... I am now the pregnant mormon with coffee breath WOW

Anyways, he left a voucher at the counter for me to come by and pick up. Inside the card read, "Ms. Walton, I am sooo sorry for the mixup. I hope this doesn't mess you up with your church or your pregnancy. Please forgive me!! Love, Starbucks Guy"


I still have yet to use the voucher

The One With the Paperweight

Petey and I had Monday off this week and decided we should do something together to enjoy the day. We discussed a few options then decided we would fly wherever there were open seat available. I was thrilled by this idea because it would give me an opportunity to use the way too expensive camera i splurged on (in my defense it's to take quality pics of the baby that will last a lifetime ha). We decided on Minneapolis, Minnesota: home of Mall of America. We would leave on the first flight of the morning and come back the last flight of the day. I got everything ready for the trip and put my camera battery on the charger so i could be sure to be able to use it for the whole trip. I plugged the battery in the outlet by the door just so I would not forget it on the way out the next morning.
We got to the airport (where of course I saw a customer from my work), boarded the plane were ready for take off. Petey says, "quick take a picture of our random trip" I get out my camera, postion it and puch the button. Nothing happens. I assume I just don't know what I am doing so I fiddle with it a little and realize it's not on. Crap, I didn't turn it on, ok attempt #2, nothing. I check the battery compartment.....again, nothing! I forgot the battery!!! Who forgets the battery??!?! Lovely, just lovely. So now I have this 10 pound useless paperweight that I must lug around all of Minneapolis. Ugh. So much for good pictures.
That was one disappointment. The other was that it was like 95 degrees and I was craving a apple cider from Starbucks and in Minnesota they mostly have Carribou Coffee, therefore we went ALL of Minnesota in search of an unnecessary Starbucks and never found it.
The other disappointment was I planned our day around going on a 30 min bus ride to a place called eat street.... a place advertised to have 55 gourmet restaurants in 20 blocks.... what a pregnant girls dream!!!! We rode to the place and then walked the entire 20 blocks in the heat only to find nothing!!! There were a few whole in the wall ethnic places that had an outward appearance of having a health food score of 40 and a some random shops that were also questionable. We were in the ghetto of Minnesota in search of food and a Starbucks with a backback and a 10 lb paperweight and ended up eating a sandwich at a pub back where we first started our walk......annoyed!

So here are the good ol fashioned pics from his iPhone ......

My ninja turtle

Cool aquarium inside a restaurant (in which I didn't eat bc I was saving myself for eat street)

 Talking Tree in the mall
 Safari Petey hahah

Me as Forrest Gump

 I found shoes in a size 20!!
 Lego Land... that was all legos

We built baby Walton a bear at build a bear :)

 Stuffed with love by Mommy and Daddy
 Most deceiving thing ever
 17 blocks of eating adventure: more like 20 blocks of miserable, ghetto, nasty, disapointment

The One With The Public Service Announcement

Every time I go out in public people look at my belly.....awkward! Their eyes go straight to the tummy, I just want to say, "hey I'm up here, can I hep you?" I can tell some people are trying to figure out if I'm just a little chunky monkey or if I'm pregnant as if either are any of their business. Anyways the part of I feel the need to vent about got even worse the other day in Walmart. Now I am not saying I am better than anyone but Walmart has been known to house to pretty interesting creatures. I mean that website doesn't exist for nothing.

 I am also not going to claim I have never judged someone I saw in Walmart based on their appearance but I do not usually expect to be judged unless I'm in sweats, no makeup and looking like a hot mess. Well the other day, I happen to have quite the opposite appearance. I was in a dress, with makeup, decent hair and looking nothing like the creatures shown above. I'm in the baby department and a man, shopping with a lady a probably son, looks at me then looks at my belly then gives me a disgusted look.  The look is a look I get way to often. It screams, "Great another underage, unmarried girl,  accidentally knocked up with no husband that my taxes are going to pay for." I realize you probably think I am being dramatic but people really do give me judgmental looks because I am pregnant and look young. Well news flash people.... I am none of the above and I am sick of that look!
My name is Michele Walton. I am not too young to have this baby, I am married and was before I got pregant, this baby was not only part of the plan but WAS the plan, I can afford to be having this baby, I do not appreciate your judgmental and assumptive looks and I do plan to blame it on hormones when I knock that look of your face!!!!
Thank You and Have a Nice Day

The One with the Snake and 10 weeks

Me and my dear friend Kylie went to Line Creek Nature Trail back when I was 10 weeks pregnant. We walked and put out feet in the water, took pictures and had a great time until I stuck my foot in the water and saw a snake right next to it! Here I am worried my chipped toenail polish will show in a picture and while they are about to be snake food! I look at Kylie and say, "uhhhh ky there's a snake" she proceeds to yell and I swear walk on water, and that was it we were out of there..... but here are some pics we took before the incident

The One With The First Flutter

Tues June 26, 2012

In the middle of the night, about 1:30 am I woke up due to my obnoxious bladder yet again. As I rolled over, pondering how much longer I could possibly hold it in hopes that I wouldn't have to get up, I felt the most amazing feeling ever. Granted, I was half asleep and beyond annoyed to be up at this hour, but I know i felt the baby. It was on my left side really really low and it was the faintest feeling. I know it was the baby and it was the most amazing feeling ever! I am looking forward to feeling that day after day and for petey to be able to feel the movement of our little one! (remind me I said this in 5 months when I am blogging about my extreme lack of sleep due to the baby punting my insides every night)
Sunday June 24, 2012

       Today was such an exciting day!!! We are officially 12 weeks pregnant and ready to say Adios to the first trimester. I can not believe it's already been this long. Nearly all my fears are gone and I'm seriously waaayyyy too excited!
       We were also invited to be a part of a special day for our friend's beautiful baby boy. Sawyer Clarke was blessed today at church. It was so remarkable to see so many amazing men use their priesthood, including my sweet husband. I can not wait for the day that I hear Petey's voice in that microphone as he blesses our baby!
          After the blessing, we attended a picnic get together. It was so fun to finally get to be one of the pregnant girls sitting around talking about babies, bellies, aches & pains, and the joys of motherhood. I was finally in the mommy circle and loved every second of it!!
   As for some of that mommy talk.....

Nausea & morning sickness: mostly gone (although in weeks 4-9 it always struck at 2am) but i now have frequent headaches
Belly Bump: Definitely noticeable and i swear growing overnight!
Belly Button: Still an inny
Weird Cravings: Not really, but when I want something, I want it like 5 min ago
Mood: Swings more the tire swing at your neighborhood park (my poor husband)
Maternity Clothes: I have had to wear a belly band with my jeans since about 6 weeks... Other than that mostly just larger regular clothes
Movement: none yet

The One With The Pregnancy Test

Ok so I wanted to share this in May but due to the baby being a secret for a while, I couldn't very well get on here and discuss buying pregnancy tests. First of all let me say, that I am the most awkwardly, embarrassed person while buying personal products at the store. I use to get all red and blotchy (as I tend to do when I'm mad, cry, get embarrassed or my body inconveniently senses any type of emotion) every single time I bought "feminine products" at the store. I would buy in huge bulk and go to self check out just to avoid the humiliation next month.

With that being said, it can only be expected that I would not only feel terribly awkward while buying tests but also that "michele moments" would occur during the process. Michele Moments for those of you who don't know, are worse than the "why is this happening to me moments" but rather this would ONLY happen to me moments!

While purchasing the first pack of tests: I ran into a customer from my work, not one that knows my personal life very well, so this is just lovely, they now think I am accidentally knocked up and are imagining a pregnant waitress pouring their coffee next week.... What if they ask me how it worked out during their visit next week? Lovely, breakfast small talk....ugh

2nd pack of tests (as I mentioned before, we were trying for this baby so many tests were purchased)
I go in late at night, to reduce the risk of seeing my customers and so that I can use the test first thing in the morning. Naturally, I only want to run in, and run out.....NEVER happens! Of course the tests are locked up so I have to go to the front and ask someone to come unlock the case for me. The pharmacy is closed so they ask over the pa system for someone to come assist me. I'm officially embarrassed. The person comes, with what I see as judgmental eyes (they were prob just thinking I hate you for making me get off the couch in the breakroom and couldn't have cared less about my personal life). I get my test, go to self check out, and then go to scan my coupon. Of course, another attendant has to come scan that coupon and approve it. As she does so, she looks over at the only other people there and yells, "Hey, yall have the same coupon haha". Thank you check out lady, i now feel even more awkward. Coincidentally, we end up parked right next to each other outside. (ONLY ME!) I felt the need to say something, as the couple kept staring at me. I awkwardly said, "Good luck" and got in my car noticeably quick.

3rd Pack- In the self checkout line, once again. I scan the box and it says, "Attendant has been notified to assist you". WHAT? why, I didn't ask for assistance, that's why I'm in this lane, I do not want assistance. So the guy comes over and is now holding my tests in his hand. He tells me that I am very pretty and he sees me in here all the time and that I am so nicely dressed. He then tells me I looked exceptionally pretty in that black dress on Sunday. I am officially bothered. I am now pushing all the buttons with my left hand, attempting to blind him with any glare I can get on my wedding ring. I say thank you although I am thinking to myself....Maybe this is why you are single, your timing has a lot to be desired. Really, if you see me so much that you memorize my outfits, why choose the day you are holding my pee sticks in your hand to hit on me? Really????? Seriously creepo? Where were you hoping to get with this? I think someone bet you to it big guy..... and I ask you, who else would this happen to?