Saturday, July 7, 2012

The One With the Paperweight

Petey and I had Monday off this week and decided we should do something together to enjoy the day. We discussed a few options then decided we would fly wherever there were open seat available. I was thrilled by this idea because it would give me an opportunity to use the way too expensive camera i splurged on (in my defense it's to take quality pics of the baby that will last a lifetime ha). We decided on Minneapolis, Minnesota: home of Mall of America. We would leave on the first flight of the morning and come back the last flight of the day. I got everything ready for the trip and put my camera battery on the charger so i could be sure to be able to use it for the whole trip. I plugged the battery in the outlet by the door just so I would not forget it on the way out the next morning.
We got to the airport (where of course I saw a customer from my work), boarded the plane were ready for take off. Petey says, "quick take a picture of our random trip" I get out my camera, postion it and puch the button. Nothing happens. I assume I just don't know what I am doing so I fiddle with it a little and realize it's not on. Crap, I didn't turn it on, ok attempt #2, nothing. I check the battery compartment.....again, nothing! I forgot the battery!!! Who forgets the battery??!?! Lovely, just lovely. So now I have this 10 pound useless paperweight that I must lug around all of Minneapolis. Ugh. So much for good pictures.
That was one disappointment. The other was that it was like 95 degrees and I was craving a apple cider from Starbucks and in Minnesota they mostly have Carribou Coffee, therefore we went ALL of Minnesota in search of an unnecessary Starbucks and never found it.
The other disappointment was I planned our day around going on a 30 min bus ride to a place called eat street.... a place advertised to have 55 gourmet restaurants in 20 blocks.... what a pregnant girls dream!!!! We rode to the place and then walked the entire 20 blocks in the heat only to find nothing!!! There were a few whole in the wall ethnic places that had an outward appearance of having a health food score of 40 and a some random shops that were also questionable. We were in the ghetto of Minnesota in search of food and a Starbucks with a backback and a 10 lb paperweight and ended up eating a sandwich at a pub back where we first started our walk......annoyed!

So here are the good ol fashioned pics from his iPhone ......

My ninja turtle

Cool aquarium inside a restaurant (in which I didn't eat bc I was saving myself for eat street)

 Talking Tree in the mall
 Safari Petey hahah

Me as Forrest Gump

 I found shoes in a size 20!!
 Lego Land... that was all legos

We built baby Walton a bear at build a bear :)

 Stuffed with love by Mommy and Daddy
 Most deceiving thing ever
 17 blocks of eating adventure: more like 20 blocks of miserable, ghetto, nasty, disapointment

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